All compost worms are shipped on MONDAYS, TUESDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS with FedEx Express 2 day. All orders must be placed by 1:00 P.M. central standard time on Monday for them to ship the same day.
FREE shipping on all compost worm orders!!
Live Worm
Delivery Guarantee Update!
Due to the record high volumes of e-commerce orders, the
shipping carriers that we utilize (FedEx, UPS & US Postal Priority Mail) are unable to guarantee delivery times. If the compost worms arrive dead we will refund or replace the worms, you will have to pay the shipping again.
The Red Wiggler-Compost Worm is very tiny and is hard to get on a fishing hook. If you are looking for a Red Worm for fishing, please buy the European Night Crawler.
Composting worms, Red worms, Red Wigglers, Sunfish Worms, Fishing Worms, Tiger Worms, Hybrid Reds, Manure Worms or whatever you want to call them - Our wholesale red worms are the most popular type of composting worms. The Red Wiggles contain several different compost worm species.(Eisenia fetida, eisenia hortensis,Perionyx excavatus).
Our wholesale composting worms (red worms) are easy to raise and need very little care. Our Wholesale Composting Worms (red wigglers) need a worm bed, water, and food. The food can be your table scraps, decaying fruits and vegetable, horse, cow, pig, rabbit manure, newspapers and damp cardboard. The composting worms (red worms) can eat 1/2 to 2/3 of their weight in food per day. Digestion of the food will produce castings. Red worm castings are a natural fertilizer for your plants, they don’t burn roots.
Gardeners LOVE the fertilizer benefits they get from the red worm castings, their plants grow bigger, faster, and improves crop yield. Red wiggler castings enriches the soil with micro-organisms, improves water retention and the physical structure of the soil.
Worms are sold by count not weight.
Shipping: Orders are shipped Mondays, Tuedays and Wednesdays with FedEx Express 2 day. Your package will arrive two days after the day shipped. Example, if shipped on Monday they should arrive on Wednesday. All Compost worms are drop shipped directly from the grower to ensure you get fresh lively worms.
Guarantee: Speedy Worm GUARANTEES LIVE DELIVERY of all Bait! You must be home when bait is delivered! If you have a problem we need to be contacted within 24 hours of delivery. We will replace your worms; (shipping and handling is NOT included unless you selected next day delivery), or we can credit your account. If bait is dead you MUST email a photo of the dead worms within the 24 hours.